Mountain Biking -
Family Sport

ountain biking is the fastest-growing outdoor recreation in the world. Fifty million people ride mountain bikes. Mountain biking combines recreation, fitness and competitiveness in a wilderness setting--around the world, from Il Ciocco, Italy, to the Catskills, to the Rockies, to the High Sierras.

Weekend mountain-bike races are family affairs with camping, music festivals and expos.

Men and women compete on daredevil downhill courses and grueling cross-country events.

There is also mountain-bike racing for kids. Safety is first and foremost, and safety education taught in weekend workshops at major ski resorts.

Mountain Biking -
Environmentally Aware

"Tender to nature," is how Grundig, sponsor of the mountain-bike World Cup '92, describes the sport. Our sponsors understand the need to preserve the earth and accept responsibility for creating a healthy environment. Grundig, the 40-year-old electronics company based in Germany, has been mountain-bike's worldwide sponsor since 1988 and will continue through 1994. Proud Grundig, with a $2-million-a-year commitment, has innovated a "fair play to nature" campaign--"responsible mountain biking"--that has won international support and helped shift consciousness to awareness and concern for the environment.

Mountain Biking -
Big Business

The mountain-bike industry is booming worldwide. More than half of the 25 million bikes sold last year--14 million plus--were mountain bikes. With 1991 sales around $5 billion, the fat-tire mountain bikes, which first appeared in 1981, continue to be the pace-setting product that dominates the $9-billion-dollar-and-growing bike industry. In fact, since 1990, Americans have bought more bikes than cars (10.8 million vs. 9.3 million). Mountain biking is no longer a craze; it's part of our changing culture. But it's more: It's a way of life for an increasingly larger segment of the American populace--people in their mid-30's--lovers of the outdoors who treasure their national resources and spice their leisure time with fitness, challenges and excitement.

FACT: 100 million Americans will ride bicycles this year.

"Yeti bicycles has taken the sport of mountain-bike racing to new heights of enthusiasm and professionalism."

--Zapata Espinoza, Editor, Mountain Bike Action Magazine

Left: Ranjeet Grewal,
NORBA '91 Rookie of the Year.
Photo: Guy Be.

Above : Future Yeti Champion.
Photo: Dan Gerardi.

Cover Photo: Courtesy of
Mountain Bike Action.

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